Become A Volunteer

Girls Inc. of Metro Denver invites you to make a positive impact in your community.

A woman kneeling in front of a tomato plant with her hands full of tomatoes.

how it works

Become a Volunteer!

Whether you’re interested in directly mentoring girls, supporting our programs, or contributing to our mission in other ways, there are opportunities for you to get involved. 

Young woman speaking to a group of young girls
Program Volunteers
Dive into the heart of our mission by becoming a program volunteer.
Dive into the heart of our mission by becoming a program volunteer. Engage directly with girls, providing mentorship, classroom assistance, or tutoring.
Man carrying a large stack of boxes while smiling
Mission Volunteers
Support Girls Inc. of Metro Denver behind the scenes.
From photographing events, assisting our admin team, or maintaining our campus, every task contributes to our mission of inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
Young woman smiling with a young girl
Internship & Work Study
Are you a student looking to gain experience in the nonprofit sector?
Consider our internship and work-study opportunities. Earn class credit while learning valuable skills in your area of study.
Group of three adult women smiling from behind packaging boxes
Group & Project Volunteers
Support our work through a one-time large project.
Bring your company, book club, or friends to support our team.
Group of professional women smiling
Committee & Content Experts
Have a special skill set or area of expertise?
We could always benefit from pro-bono services or experts that can share their expertise to further our work.

Frequently Asked Questions

All potential individual volunteers must complete the following steps before beginning their volunteer service at Girls Inc. of Metro Denver:

  1. Apply: Click here to apply online or email Briana Gonzales at to set up a phone interview to complete the application.
  2. Meet and Greet: We will contact you to schedule a tour at our building. This is our chance to learn more about you and find out a placement that would be best for you.
  3. Background Check: All 18+ applicants* must complete a criminal background check. We ask applicants to cover the fee of processing your background check.
  4. Orientation & Training: All volunteers who work with girls must attend 3 hours of training before they begin volunteering. Becoming a volunteer is dependent on completion of training.
  5. Volunteer Trainings: These are held three times per year. 
  6. *Teen volunteers (17 years and younger) are not required to complete a background check, however we do ask you to complete a membership application that requires parent/guardian signatures

Volunteers play various roles from assisting in the classroom, cleaning our campus, tutoring, and helping our admin staff. We will help you find the best role for you.

Volunteer shifts vary greatly depending on the roles. We have afterschool, evening and weekend programming during the school year and all day camp during the summer. Please share your availability with our team so that we can help you select a role.

  • After-school program support (September – May): Monday through Friday 3:00-6:30pm.
  • Saturday program support (Sept – May): One Saturday per month depending on role 
  • Mentoring & Tutoring (September – May): Roles and times vary based on position.
  • Summer Center Programs (September – May): Roles and shifts vary. Programs meet Monday through Thursday from 8:00am-5:30pm
  • Special Skills (Year Round): Volunteers are needed anytime during the year, Monday through Friday from 8:00am-6:00pm. 

We require 3 hours of training for new program volunteers which includes our anti-oppression and inclusiveness workshop and an introduction to Girls Inc. and your role. Trainings are held 3 times a year – winter, summer, and fall. 

It depends on the role and the duration of the program you select. Under most circumstances, you must be willing to commit to at least one ‘semester’ (typically 3-4 months) or one full school year or summer.

Yes! Men are allies for achieving gender equity.

Yes! Group volunteer opportunities focus on tasks like program preparation or facility maintenance and may not involve direct interaction with our girls. Examples include filling activity kits for our GIRLS thINC Outside the Box program, yard maintenance, painting, organizing, and cleaning.

Yes. Community Service volunteers perform administrative duties, or other non-direct services. Not all community service volunteers are approved. Please email the Manager of Volunteer Programs for more information

Contact Us

For any questions regarding volunteerism, reach out to Briana Gonzales, Manager of Volunteer Programs, at or 303-893-4363 ext.115.