Special Edition Girls and Science

Introducing Girls thINC Outside the Box – the Girls and Science edition!

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, girls can now receive a FREE box that will get sent straight to their door that includes a variety of fun and educational STEM activities. Our kits include everything from science projects and information about local women in STEM, to book recommendations and more!


REGISTER to receive your FREE Girls in Science Edition Activity Kit by clicking here.

For questions or more information, please email gtob@gidenver.org.

What is Inside?

1 magazine, new book, core supply kit of scissors, glue, pencil, markers, and journal. Activity supplies and a surprise branded item.

– A full-color, magazine filled with activity instructions and more than five hours of research-based content.

– A new book (or two!) featuring characters of color and women authors.

– A surprise Girls Inc. branded item.

– Supplies needed for the activities.

– All newly enrolled participants receive a “core supply kit” that includes a notebook, pencil, glue, markers, and scissors. We can replenish this at anytime, just email gtob@gidenver.org



Thank you to our Sponsors

Thank you to our Girls ThINC Outside the Box Activity Kit Sponsors:

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"My girls have a multi-racial background so getting books with characters that look like them was so special to us. It is so different to watch them read stories about girls who look like them. They really saw themselves being leaders and making a difference." Girls Inc. Parent

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