Impact Stories
Girls Have Something to Say
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- Impact Stories
“I like to support our girls by helping them create a roadmap that is goal related, and asking them questions like, ‘Where are you now and where do you want to be?’”
- Impact Stories
“We need more women in the field of STEM. There aren’t nearly as many female pilots as there are men. STEM jobs should include more women. That should be the norm.”
- Impact Stories
“Everyone should have a mentor. There’s always more to learn and your experiences are valuable.”
- Impact Stories
“Being enrolled in the Eureka! Program has made me become a person I am proud of, and I trust myself that I can do anything.”
- Impact Stories
“I am very proud of my daughter because she wants to continue her education. I have always told her that it is important to get educated and I have told her to keep learning and improving herself both academically and as a person.”
- Impact Stories
“Girls Inc. was life-changing for me. It taught me to give things a try. The experience has been fun and I am glad to be able to call this place my second home.”
- Impact Stories
“Even though I have many things against me, such as the language and the fact that I have barely been in the country for 3 years, I have been able to get out of my comfort zone and have proved to myself that if I work hard and if I am STRONG, SMART, and BOLD I can achieve many things.”
- Impact Stories
“I would recommend Girls Inc. of Metro Denver to family and friends because the change in girls is incredible! Girls become more entrepreneurial, mored educated, empathetic, and are able to create healthy relationships.”